LFI to RCE via access_log injection

SeberCart LFD Vuln [ readfile() ]

[o] Joomla Component Seber Cart Local File Disclosure Vulnerability

Software : com_sebercart
Vendor : http://www.seber.com.au/
Author : AntiSecurity [ NoGe Vrs-hCk OoN_BoY Paman zxvf s4va ]
Contact : public[at]antisecurity[dot]org
Home : http://antisecurity.org/

[o] Exploit


Download image.jpg file and open it with notepad or gedit.
You will see joomla configuration there.

[o] PoC



kemud said…
g bisa kak.....hahaha...isa ajarin langsung g kak.Ymnya apa biar saya add..
evilc0de said…
join ke public irc chan kita aza yah..

#evilc0de @ irc.byroe.net
kemudshared said…
oke deh...tapi kalo isa ym kak . soale dari dulu aku belajar lewat web ini , and g tau (kenal) sama yang bikin.....
kemud said…
bang ajari aku,,,,tak cari g nemu2 huhuhu....YMnya apa ntar biar aku add bang apa email gt.
evilc0de said…
wew.. nyari apa yang ga nemu2 niy?
neh email gw.. noge.code@gmail.com
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