[o] linkSpheric 0.74 Beta 6 SQL Injection Vulnerability
Software : linkSpheric version 0.74 Beta 6
Vendor : http://dataspheric.com/
Download : http://sourceforge.net/projects/linkspheric/
Author : NoGe
[o] Vulnerable file
[o] Exploit
[o] Proof of concept
[o] Dork
"Powered by linkSpheric"
I represent the group of friends who wrote linkSpheric. LOL!!
It might seem that you have successfully penetrated this database. I think this is an important consideration for users of linkSpheric software because it was originally designed around php3 and has not been an active project for some years.
However, because linkSpheric is directory software, in other words, the information contained in a linkSpheric directory is intended to be public, I do not consider this to be a big deal.
I congratulate the hacker. And if you have seen Viper, tell him I send my regards and best wishes.
im looking for bug
and your script is buggy
so i post it up
i dont change any databases
btw, who is Viper??
i dont know him.
I know you did not harm the database. But I think you were able to execute a script. One of the records you found contains the name of my friend Viper. I thought it is possible that you are Viper playing a joke on me.
We no longer work on linkSpheric. If you want to, you can repair this vulnerability and you will get full credit. You will find the source code here:
Because linkSpheric is used by so many people in many different countries, I think it is possible that many people will thank you if you fix this vulnerability.
I hope you have a good weekend.
Try to fix viewListing.php with this line :)
i can tell my programmer to fix the code or you can do. it.
i think you deserve the credit. i think this will be good for you.
do you want a job?
you must understand that i am old and retired. i am not a young man. i use all the money i get now to feed my kids. so you are smart and young. i have no desire to fight with you.
but i also appreciate your sense of humor.
can i bless you?
May God, Allah, bless you and keep you
May Allah make His face to shine upon you. May Allah give you increase, both you and your children so that you may dwell in the house of Allah forever. So that you will be happy.
Bless you hacker. you are a good hacker.
feel the sensation.
Ge, take the code, patch, and re-publish. full credits eh?
stupid code